The Team Around the School (a Sefton pilot project) aims to foster collaboration among various stakeholders, including Early Help workers, an Educational Psychologist, Inclusion Consultant, School health Practitioner, School Staff and Parents, to collectively support the well-being and academic success of our children.
Key objectives include:
In essence, the Team Around the School approach seeks to create a collaborative ecosystem that addresses the diverse needs of our children and enhances the overall educational experience.
Our Team Around the School staff include:
Mrs Rachel Traynor (Social Worker)
Miss Eileen Lloyd (Early Help Worker)
Mrs Michelle Harwood (Educational Psychologist)
School Health (practitioner tbc)
Mrs Jane Thurgood Parkes (Inclusion Consultant)
For more information please contact Mrs Smith ( Lead Family Learning Mentor) at School via the admin email ( or contact Rachel Traynor or Eileen Lloyd below.; mobile number is 07977195521.; mobile number is 07811024982.